Effortless, renter-led inspection software for the enterprising property manager. You have no idea how easy it could be.
How it works
Scan your space
We help you digitize your space with the camera on your phone before move in and after move out
We use a mixture of technology and human touch to identify any new damages and provide realistic pricing for repairs based on real market data
Get paid
Landlords get reimbursed for damages, Tenants get back a fair amount, and property managers stop getting heat from both sides
3x damage. That's the minimum the Landlord loses for wrongful withholding in some states.
Landlords and tenants can expect to pay $3,000-
$5,000 to get legal help on conflicts.
Being a great tenant doesn't mean you'll get your deposit back. 59% of renters don't expect full repayment.
Renters and Landlords can expect fair treatment of their security deposit 100% of the time.
We know, where have we been all this time?
Property managers and landlord's can free up as much as 20% of their time by using our inspections. A full day each week!
Both parties get truly objective reporting of damages, so there's no need to waste hours on angry emails or burn money in court.
Relationships get awkward when someone thinks they'll be cheated...
With Olive, renters and landlords can be friendly and maybe even enjoy each other (gasp)!
Get Started
We'll reach out to get you started within one business day!
Questions? Reach out to us directly to:
Email: hello@tryolive.app
Phone: +1 (218) 591 - 5998